3990 Minton Road Melbourne, Florida

Tag: taxes

One-stop shop for small businesses and individuals | Melbourne, Florida

The Importance of Tax Planning

Don’t Let Taxes Sneak Up You They say that the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. If that’s the case, then why is it so many people wait until the last minute to start thinking about their taxes? Preparing for tax time throughout the year is the best way to make sure that…
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Getting Your Business Ready to File Taxes

Filing Your Business Taxes Even though pass through entity tax returns, such as S Corporations and Partnerships, were due on March 15, there’s still time to file personal and C Corporation tax returns. The deadline to file personal and C Corp Tax Returns is April 15, 2019, also known as Tax Day. Tax return extensions…
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Get Ready to File Your Taxes in the New Year

Tax Season is coming to town. With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, many people are preoccupied with gifts and gatherings. However, a new year is just around the corner, and before you know it, it will be time to file your taxes. So, what are some things you can do to get…
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