3990 Minton Road Melbourne, Florida

Local City & County Tax Receipts

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Local City & County Tax Receipts

Local City & County Tax Receipts

When you own a business, you wear many hats. One of the most important ones is to pay the taxes owed by your company. When people think of taxes, they often think of federal or state taxes. However, it is essential to remember that business tax receipts and any occupational licensing fees may be owed to your city or county. You must appropriately register your business with the city and county to determine what you must pay. Ensure that you are informed and aware as these items must be taken care of by the appointed deadline. Let’s take a look at Brevard County and the City of Melbourne as examples of what to expect from counties and cities in Florida.

Counting the County

For most businesses located in Brevard County, Florida, you must pay the business tax receipt. There are some business tax exemptions, but most companies are required to pay this. To receive a new business tax receipt, you must first apply based on whether you are in an unincorporated area of the county, a commercial unincorporated area, or an incorporated municipality. When applying, you must satisfy several requirements, including identification information and proof of business ownership. Other items vary based on the business itself. For example, if you are in an unincorporated area of the county and a medical provider, you must provide a zoning use affidavit. If you are licensed by the state, such as a General Contractor, you must provide your license with the application. Some businesses may require hazardous waste surcharges as well. Since necessary items can vary quite a bit, it is essential to review the application in detail. Once your application is filed, the county will process it and assess the fees owed, then all that’s left is to pay the fee and your tax receipt will be issued. Each year thereafter, your business tax receipt must be renewed starting on July 1st and completed by September 30th to avoid additional fees and penalties.

City Collections & Requirements

If your business is located in an incorporated part of the City of Melbourne, Florida, you will be subject to a local city business tax in addition to the county. This is a requirement if you plan on selling products, advertising those products, or performing paid services. Here you will also notice that there are varying rates for every business. Again, it is vital to know what classification your business falls under to comply with the local business tax. When you file your application, there is a $25 nonrefundable application fee and, once processed, the city will assess your tax receipt fee. Keep in mind that after receiving your local city tax receipt, you are still required to file for the county tax receipt as an incorporated municipality and pay the fees for both.

For the county and the city, all companies must be registered with the Florida Division of Corporations, whether it is a corporation, limited liability company, or a sole proprietor operating under a Fictitious Name. Any state licensing must be active and supplied with the application. There may be other requirements depending on your business, for example, contractors and some other businesses need to carry a certain amount of general liability insurance coverage. The takeaway here is that you must diligently consult your county and city’s specific tax collection office to make sure you register and pay correctly.

by Nick Climan – Content Creator at Half Full Marketing

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