3990 Minton Road Melbourne, Florida

Month: February 2021

One-stop shop for small businesses and individuals | Melbourne, Florida

Minimum Wage Updates / Increases for 2021

An update on Minimum Wage Changes for 2021 The Fair Labor Standard Act (or FLSA) is a federal law, that sets minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and young people’s work employment standards, that affect employees in the public and private sectors. FLSA has many exemptions from the minimum wage and overtime pay for construction industry,…
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Cultivating Mutual Respect in the Workplace

The sense of belonging is one of the fundamental human emotional needs. We, as humans, have an inherent desire to feel secure, important, or accepted by a group. That group can be our family or our coworkers. Every company should strive to create an open, supportive, inclusive environment of mutual respect. This is not a…
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